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여자아이를 위한 게임 Baby Hazel Mother's Day

29 Jun 2019에 추가됨 209번 플레이됨 일인용, 아기, HTML5, 모바일, 터치스크린, 아기 헤이즐

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게임 설명:

Like any other kid, Baby Hazel loves her Mom very much. So, this year she wants to surprise Mom on with a Mothers Day celebration. So, Baby Hazel along with her Dad are busy making arrangements for the celebration. Can you help out little girl and take part in the family celebration? First you need to goto shop with Hazel and buy necessities. Then goto kitchen to prepare Mothers Day Cake and later decorate the room. Be part of this joyous day with Baby Hazel and her family. Have fun!

Mothers Day is a day one celebrates to pamper their mom and thank them for their contribution in one's life. Its mother who takes care of every little thing concerned to her child and this day is celebrated to felicitate her sacrifice. The Day is celebrated on Second Sunday of May annually.

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이 게임은 시리즈의 일부입니다 :Baby Hazel

Baby Hazel Mother's Day
Baby Hazel Mother's Day
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