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여자아이를 위한 게임 Hospital Fisherman Emergency

15 Jan 2024에 추가됨 33번 플레이됨 일인용, 물고기, 옷 입히기, HTML5, Y8 계정, 모바일, 터치스크린, Y8 저장, Y8 스크린샷, Y8 도전과제, 의사, 청소

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게임 설명:

Our fisherman is stranded, which has left him in poor condition. In the game Hospital Fisherman Emergency, take on the role of a rescuer and assist the fishermen. Make a 911 call and assist the fisherman in receiving medical attention for his fishing-related injuries. In this game, you have to take off his clothes, clean him, and get rid of all the dirt. Then, since the large fish is still trapped in his hand, you have to divert it, sew up the bites, put on a bandage, and get him back to normal. Remember to put on the newest gowns for him and restore his health and happiness. Game more exclusively on y8.com

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Hospital Fisherman Emergency
Hospital Fisherman Emergency
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