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여자아이를 위한 게임 Jinafire Long Dressup

(826 KB) 30 Jan 2014에 추가됨 161번 플레이됨 일인용, Flash, 아동용, 옷 입히기, 공주, 메이크오버/메이크업

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게임 설명:

The Monster High universe is a place where all ghouls and monsters connect with each other and form a loving community. All students here have a goal of making each and every monster feel welcomed. Our dress up game features the beautiful Jinafire Long..Have you met her? The gorgeous dragonborn princess just transferred to Monster High from the far East. Once arrived Jinafire can't help but notice how different the fashion style at Monster High is from hers and doesn't seem to fit in with the rest. All she wants it to make some friends. One day she sees an empty seat in the cafeteria at Draculaura's and the rest of the girl's table but doesn't dare to sit down seeing all the girls are dressed really stylish so she decides it's time to go on a shopping spree. She invites you to join her and give her some fashion advices on what to buy. Help Jinafire find a perfect outfit that will be creative, original yet stylish. Pick some clothes that will give her the confidence and the attitude she needs to make some friends. She is living the best years of her life so don't let her waste them wandering the school halls alone.

게임 컨트롤

This game is played with mouse only.

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Jinafire Long Dressup
Jinafire Long Dressup
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